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Download woot

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Important: You do not need to run this if you are already on version 3 or higher. This search will modify the key used for the KV store and remediate an issue where keys could potentially be duplicated. If you are upgrading from version 2 to version 4 you must run the search named "Migrate Meta Woot Key" one time following the upgrade. New functionality added to report on estimated license usage.Filters added to allow for index exlusion from Meta Woot! Latency and Indexing Compliance dashboards.Meta Woot! no longer consumes Splunk license.Added descriptions for each dashboard to aid in understanding.This will be updated in a future release. | rename server_name AS splunk_server | outputlookup meta_woot_server_guid | stats latest(instance_guid) AS guid by server_name

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Index=_internal (host=idx* OR host=sh*) source="*metrics.log" instance_guid=* component=Metrics group=instance earliest=-6h Please change or clone the search and edit the search syntax as follows: As a result one of the searches named "Generate Meta Woot Server GUID Lookup" does not function. Splunk Cloud no longer allows for searching of REST API endpoints. For support, please email Fix for Known Issue in Splunk Cloud

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